Good morning.
It’s Friday so we’re listening to something more upbeat. We’re listening to The Bee Gees. Yes, the Bee Gees. Brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb were born on the Isle of Man and raised in Manchester. They formed the Bee Gees in Australia in 1958. They’re one of the best-selling bands of all time. We’re focusing first on a recently-released EP, Bee Gees: 1976-1979, which collects their disco hits, including several from Saturday Night Fever. Then we’re playing the career survey How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, an accompaniment to the recent HBO documentary on the band.
Bee Gees: 1976 - 1979 (30m, vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Tidal
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart - The Bee Gees (90m, vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Tidal
This weekend you should be dancing.