Today we’re listening to Mathias Grassow, a German electronic musician based in Bad Soden. Thanks to for highlighting Grassow’s work recently, noting that “in spite of the corny tropes of its presentation, it is uniformly excellent.” AllMusic called him “the king of ambient drone.” He’s been making music with synths since the early ‘80s, and his output since then has been voluminous. We’re playing two of his LPs. Dämmerung from 2012 is pure, profound drone music, while Mind Riders originally from 1998 introduces more rhythmic elements.
Dämmerung - Mathias Grassow (73m, no vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
Mind Riders - Mathias Grassow (74m, no vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
We wish you a great start to your week.