Good morning.
Today we’re listening to Mary Lattimore, an American harpist based in Los Angeles. We previously featured her work via a guest recommendation last November. On Friday she released a new record called Silver Ladders, on which she plays pensive harp melodies over synth and guitar ambiences. It creates what this newsletter is constantly in search for: an atmosphere of profundity. We’re also re-upping the album we recommended last year, New Rain Duets, which is a beautiful collaboration with electronic producer Mac McCaughan.
Silver Ladders by Mary Lattimore (40m, no vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
New Rain Duets by Mac McCaughan and Mary Lattimore (40m, no vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
Have a really good start to your week.