Good morning.
Today we’re listening to Olan Mill. We don’t know much about Mill, but this is one of the best recommendations in Flow State history. Olan Mill albums consist of beautiful, thought-provoking instrumental loops – it’s like the music itself is meditating. These albums successfully create the thing this newsletter is constantly searching for: an atmosphere of profundity. Let us know what you think by replying to this email.
Sounds of a New Father by Olan Mill (40m) Spotify / Apple Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
Pine by Olan Mill (40m) Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Google Play / Bandcamp / Tidal
Cavade Morlem by Olan Mill (40m, 🗣 choral lines on some tracks) Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Google Play / Bandcamp
There will be no Flow State email tomorrow due to the American holiday. Paying subscribers can resort to our private Spotify playlists (subscribe to get those). We’ll back be on Friday with something upbeat.
Have a really nice day today.