Good morning, and welcome to new subscribers.
We have two new features today:
1) Several of you have asked for an easier way to access past recommendations. We’ve organized our past recommendations into a dataset (accessible to subscribers only). Soon we’ll release a view where subscribers can easily filter and search the database. The database will grow with every new Flow State edition and from community recommendations.
2) Usually our editions contain a batch of music recommendations of varying length. We want to help you get into a two-hour flow state more easily, so we’ll now send out a two-hour mix recorded by our resident DJ each week. These mixes incorporate feedback and recommendations from the community. Going forward, subscribers will receive these on Mondays, but today we’re sending the first episode to everyone:
Flow State, Episode 1, Part 1 (60m)
Flow State, Episode 1, Part 2 (60m, 🗣️ after 45 minute mark)
As always, if you find good working music, reply back to us with it.
Have a great day at work today.