Gardener (Guest rec from Genevieve)
Today we have a guest recommendation from Genevieve, a design strategist based in Los Angeles.
Gardener, the moniker for Dash Lewis’ synth stylings, has been weaving intricate stratified “immersive minimalism” for over a decade. His adept compositions capture the fragile bits of human existence - full of narrow perception, unresolved loss and occasional appreciation for the natural world and one another. Most ardently fusing these is Gardener’s latest release, I Am Here for a Moment, which manages to convey frustrations with the temporal character of experience and the ephemeral moments that escape us once we turn away. The fullness of layered sounds that somehow invoke a sense of stillness embody those occasions of unmitigated presence in a place. Meanwhile, undercurrents of existential struggle – a balance of wide-eyed wonder with the limitations of human nature and perception – impart the sadness and joys in our attempts to absorb it all. Also striking is his album Calm Down, a textural, pensive six-track beast awash with reverent rhythms. Enjoy.
I Am Here for a Moment – Gardener (47m, no discernable vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
Calm Down – Gardener (50m, no discernable vocals)
Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music / Amazon Music / Bandcamp / Tidal
Have a great Wednesday.